shoot naturalTM training
lesson one nba shooting workout
With NBA Point Guard, Donald Sloan
Put in real work with this fast-paced shooting workout that is used by NBA players often. Led by Donald Sloan & Coach Collin Castellaw, this one with definitely get your heart rate up and help with all aspects of your jump shot. Download the worksheet below and use it to follow along as you work through the exercise!
lesson two shoot natural on your shooting hand
With NCAA All-American & 6-Year NBA Player, Dan Dickau
As you know, the Shoot Natural™ glove was designed to assist with the off-hand and removing the off-hand from your shot, but after many practice sessions, Dan Dickau explains how the Shoot Natural™ glove can also be used very beneficially on the shooting hand. The glove can help ball positioning and grip for the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand. Download the worksheet below and use it to follow along as you work through the exercise!
lesson three dribbling with the shoot natural
With NCAA All-American & 6-Year NBA Player, Dan Dickau
Another BONUS: The Shoot Natural™ gloves also help with ball control while dribbling because it varies and slightly randomizes the bounce of the ball. This serves a similar function to resistance training and teaches players better ball control & and can improve hand strength and dexterity. Download the worksheet below and use it to follow along as you work through the exercise!